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Steroid Scandal Rocks Sport Ngin Flag League

By Adam Schefter 10/29/2014, 1:00pm CDT

StepOnNecks gives a face to PED use

In late breaking news, Kinderhook star Rose StepOnNecks has been accused of alleged steroid abuse. StepOnNecks is currently in the top 10 of several statistical categories and privately some have wondered what has led to this dramatic increase in output. The speculation has come to an end as StepOnNecks herself outed the steroid use on Facebook earlier this week.

"Not my typical post, but couldn't contain my excitement after this last cycle! A year ago I decided to make a big fitness change and try something new. I went to “The Clear” and “The Cream" unsure of what it would be like, but after trying and failing other workouts I didn't have anything to lose. “The Clear” and “The Cream" showed me how to workout smarter and live a healthier life. Thanks to these steroids I am down over 16 pounds, 7.5% body fat, and 13 inches overall in the last year, and not only have lost weight, but gained strength. I can't wait for the next year to continue to grow in this fitness journey and encourage anyone who needs a change to try this juice out!!!"

The League is sure to hand down a stiff penalty for this blatant abuse of PED's



By anonymous 10/14/2014, 8:15pm CDT

Killin' it every day

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